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Fitness techniques & distractions: Things to do while working out

Before and After BMI

August 3, 2016

Fitness techniques & distractions: Things to do while working out

Overweight man tired of working out on fitness bike

We exercise for many reasons – to be healthier and to achieve weight and fitness goals are two that come to mind. We want to be stronger, more vibrant and to improve the quality of our lives. Sadly, working out can sometimes be as exciting as watching paint dry.

On the other hand, sometimes we push ourselves so hard it becomes physically uncomfortable to do one more rep, even when we are close to hitting our goals. Nobody said exercise was easy, but occasionally we need a little bump in our fitness techniques to make it through a particularly grueling routine.

Here are things to do while working out to make it through the boredom and persevere through the agony.

Woman working out outside as her fitness technique and distraction

Fitness techniques to fight boredom

Performing the same exercise over and over again is boring, so why not mix it up a bit? There are many ways to do this. Let’s take cardio, for example. Everyone knows that walking is great exercise, but using a treadmill can be really dull. Instead of walking indoors, head outside. Here are some suggestions:

  • Explore the greenways around town.
  • Walk through different neighborhoods.
  • Check out local parks and recreation centers that are ripe for exploring.
  • Join a fitness club at work, or organize one of your own.

Save the treadmill for rainy days, and make sure you have upbeat music to keep your feet motivated.

Speaking of music, stop listening to the exact same mix every time you climb on the StairMaster. Instead, try an audiobook or a different genre of music. If you download an action flick to your tablet, you’ll have a problem stopping after 30 minutes instead of forcing yourself to finish!

Another demotivating factor is that exercise can be lonely. Humans are social creatures, so why not enlist the help of a friend? Working out with a buddy keeps you accountable, ensuring you complete your routine. Alternatively, consider taking a class like aerobics or yoga, where you’ll have both company and peer pressure to accomplish your goals.

Overweight woman working out with personal trainer as her fitness technique

Persevering through a tough workout

Pushing through a tough workout is hard, especially when every muscle in your body is screaming stop! Here are a few things to do while working out to muscle your way to success.

  • Get personal: Not everyone can afford a personal trainer, but if you keep hitting the same wall and are unable to push through it on your own, it might be worth the expense to hire a pro for one or two sessions to get you over the hump. You could enlist a friend to do the same thing, but the knowledge that you’ve spent cold hard cash on a personal trainer is often enough motivation to clear any mental or physical hurdles.
  • Set goals: Goal-setting is an excellent fitness technique. For example, your favorite singer is coming to town; unless you complete your goal of doing 25 pushups or completing a 5k run, you can’t buy the tickets. There’s an extra perk to this technique: After all that working out, you may need a brand new outfit for the show since you won’t fit in your old clothes.
  • Look toward the finish line: The ultimate carrot is pride. Relish the thought of pushing through the agony, enjoying just how awesome you really are for reaching your goals.

You are worth it – the boredom, the sweat and the pain. Once you start achieving your fitness goals, the feeling becomes addictive and you’ll focus less on things to do while working out. Soon, you’ll have no need for motivation other than your reflection in the mirror.

Don’t wait to start achieving your fitness goals! Contact BMI of Texas today to start learning more about fitness techniques, diet plans, health guidelines and more.