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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Is Hormone Imbalance Causing Fatigue, Brain Fog, and Decreased Libido?

As we age, our bodies naturally produce fewer hormones, which can lead to a variety of distressing symptoms. If you’re experiencing fatigue, brain fog, and decreased libido, it could be a hormone issue. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) may be a safe and effective option to help manage these challenges, including:

  • General health and Quality of Life influences: cardiovascular function, metabolism, optimizing lean body tissue (muscle mass and bone density), energy, mood, sleep, mental clarity/sharpness
  • Sexuality and sexual health— for women: vaginal lubrication/or dryness; for men: erectile function, including presence of morning erections, and strength of erection during intercourse;  for both men and women: libido or desire for sex and intimacy, as well as ability to achieve orgasm

How to Get Started

  • Have a consultation/evaluation for suitability for BHRT including medical history, lab evaluation and symptom score sheet. Risks, Benefits, and Cost of Treatment will be addressed at this visit.
  • After all data reviewed, dosing parameters will be determined.
  • Schedule hormone pellet insertion procedure: sterile in office procedure where hormone pellets are implanted under the skin of the buttock
  • Process is typically repeated every 3 months for women, and every 6 months for men

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