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Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty: Your Complete Guide

Before and After BMI

January 9, 2024

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty: Your Complete Guide

Introduction: A Revolution in Weight Loss Procedures

If you’ve been searching for weight loss solutions but are wary of the invasive nature of traditional bariatric surgery, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) could be the minimally invasive weight loss alternative that sets you on a healthier path. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of ESG, discussing its procedure details, eligibility criteria, benefits, risks, and more.

Procedure Details: The How-To of ESG

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is turning heads in the field of bariatric surgery. Unlike laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, which involves surgical incisions, ESG uses an endoscopic approach. A tube equipped with a camera and suturing device is inserted through the patient’s mouth and guided down into the stomach. Once there, the stomach is sutured from the inside, effectively reducing its volume. What makes this particularly appealing is that the whole procedure is performed under general anesthesia, significantly cutting down both potential risks and recovery time.

Candidates and Eligibility: Is ESG Right for You?

Finding the right weight loss procedure is a highly individualized journey. While many opt for traditional bariatric surgery, ESG presents a less invasive option. Ideal candidates are usually those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) ranging between 30 and 40. The procedure is also a good fit for individuals struggling with weight-related health issues like high blood pressure or sleep apnea. However, the only way to determine your suitability for this—or any—weight loss procedure is to consult a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation.

Benefits and Risks: Weighing the Pros and Cons

The allure of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty largely stems from its minimally invasive nature. Unlike other bariatric surgeries that require external incisions, ESG lessens the chance of complications like infection or scarring. Additionally, most patients are able to resume their regular activities within a week after the procedure. On the efficacy front, clinical studies have shown promising results, with patients typically losing a significant percentage of their excess body weight within the first six months post-procedure.

However, ESG is not without its drawbacks. One of the primary concerns is its potentially temporary effectiveness. As the stomach begins to stretch back over time, the long-term weight loss might not be as enduring as that achieved through more invasive surgeries. Moreover, the cost can be a barrier for many, especially since insurance companies often don’t cover the procedure. So when considering whether endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is worth it, it’s important to weigh these benefits against the potential disadvantages, including the upfront cost.

Preparation and Recovery: Getting Ready for the New You

Before undergoing endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, patients are often advised to adhere to a balanced diet and exercise regime. A medical evaluation, including a thorough check-up, is a crucial step to ensure the individual is fit for general anesthesia and the procedure itself.

Post-procedure care also plays an important role in achieving long-term weight loss. A liquid diet is commonly prescribed for the initial few weeks after the surgery, with a gradual transition to solid foods. Light exercise is encouraged about a week after the procedure, not just as a part of recovery but as a cornerstone for promoting a healthy lifestyle and maintaining long-term weight loss.

Common Questions About Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

How long does endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty last? Well, while the stomach does regain its size over time, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help sustain the weight loss. 

What are its disadvantages? Although generally safe, the procedure carries some risks, including potential internal bleeding or infection. 

How much weight can one expect to lose? Weight loss outcomes can vary, but patients commonly shed 15-20% of their body weight within the first year.

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty offers a compelling, less invasive alternative to traditional bariatric surgeries. It may not promise the same long-lasting results of more invasive procedures, but its advantages, like a shorter recovery period and minimized risks, make it an attractive choice for many.

Take the Next Step with BMI

If endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty has piqued your interest and you’re wondering if it’s the right fit for your weight loss journey, the team at BMI is here to help. Our experienced bariatric surgeons and healthcare professionals offer personalized consultations to assess your specific needs and provide expert guidance.

Remember, no article can replace the individualized advice you’ll receive from a medical professional. Therefore, we highly encourage you to reach out to BMI for a comprehensive evaluation. We’re committed to helping you make informed decisions and taking meaningful steps toward achieving your health goals.

Ready to explore your weight loss options further? Contact BMI today to set up a consultation and discover how endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty—or any of our range of weight loss procedures—can empower you to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.
In the end, it’s not just about shedding pounds; it’s about gaining a quality of life you never thought possible. Take that first step today. We’re with you every step of the way.