There are several different pathways a patient might follow to accomplish their weight and metabolic goals.
Surgery pathway
Patients watch online BMI seminar on this website or on our App.
Appointment at BMI with the weight loss surgeon for initial evaluation. This appointment can be the next day but definitely within 1-2 weeks after seminar. We will review your medical history and decide together what surgical option is best for you.
At this appointment patients will also be assigned a patient advocate and be given all pertinent information about insurance coverage/benefit and any financial responsibilities they may have.
Patients will then accomplish the requirements outlined by the insurance company and the BMI surgeon. Visits with our dietitians and our behavioral health team will be a part of this requirement. This can take a few days or a few months depending mainly on the insurance company requirements.
A pre-op visit at BMI is made to answer new questions and review the plan for surgery.
Surgery date. Expect 1-2 night stay in the hospital for sleeve and bypass patients. Band patients go home on the same day.
Follow-up appointments at BMI
At 6 months post-op, patients are asked to begin medical weight loss with Dr. Jenny’s team. There is additional cost to this, but patients who engage in this are losing more weight on average than those who don’t.
Life-long follow-up! We expect to follow you forever after at BMI. We need to monitor your weight and metabolic disease. We have ways to intervene if we see any signs of regain. Even if you move away, we will need you to send us annual information on your weight and health status if you are unable to travel in to see us. This is very important. We are committed to your long-term success!
While this site provides you with a large amount of information, we feel it is important that our patients do as much research as possible. We have compiled a list of sites that we feel to be helpful tools to your weight loss journey, and understanding your options.

Patients are encouraged to participate in our support program consisting of monthly live group sessions, web based support using my fitness pal application, and our vibrant and interactive email list, facebook pages, twitter feed, and pinterest!