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4 Nutritious Alternatives for Junk Food Cravings

Before and After BMI

July 24, 2015

4 Nutritious Alternatives for Junk Food Cravings

Being healthy isn’t about eating less; it’s about eating right. As you explore your weight loss options, keep in mind that you’ll be faced with temptations on your journey down the road to a slimmer you. When your sweet tooth starts screaming or you’re craving something salty, consider these healthy food alternatives. They’re close enough to the “real thing” to curb those junk food cravings and prevent you from undoing all your hard work.

A Healthy Spin on Desserts

Vanilla frozen yogurt with strawberries to help fight your junk food cravings

When you want a bowl of ice cream after dinner, it may seem like nothing can match the cold creaminess you’re craving. However, there are plenty of healthy dessert alternatives that are just as easy as opening up a carton of ice cream!

According to Fatsecret, half a cup full-fat vanilla ice cream has 145 calories and 8g of fat. You can replace it with healthier alternatives and still satisfy your sweet tooth. For example:

  • Half a cup of full-fat Greek yogurt has 95 calories and 5g of fat. This alternative not only has 50 calories fewer than an equal amount of ice cream, but yogurt offers immune system-boosting bacteria and digestive enzymes along with many other health benefits. Yogurt is also high in calcium and has been proven to reduce certain types of cancer. Top your yogurt off with a ½ cup of your favorite toppings like berries, walnuts or almonds.
  • Another delectable alternative are Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs. This low carb treat is comprised of five simple ingredients including strawberries, cream cheese, coconut oil, Stevia and vanilla extract. It delicious and guilt free at only .99 g of carbs.

Candy Bar Replacements

Protein bars that make weight loss options healthy and delicious

There’s something about the texture and flavor of a candy bar that gives you undeniable junk food cravings. Fight your sweet tooth by choosing a healthy alternative: protein bars.

As it turns out, many protein bars neglect fiber content and are packed full of sugar to mimic the taste of a candy bar. The healthiest alternatives are high in fiber and low in sugar. These characteristics help a good-quality protein bar keep you full for a while on relatively few calories.

Quest Bars makes the best candy bar replacements. These currently come in 16 mouthwatering flavors such as chocolate peanut butter, chocolate chip cookie dough and s’mores. Weighing in at about 200 calories, 20g of protein, 18g of fiber and 2g of sugar, it’s hard to beat a Quest Bar.

Satisfying a Salty Craving

Healthy snack alternatives like zucchini chips with smoked paprika

Image via BMI of Texas’ Pinterest

When you crave potato chips – which have 153 calories, 10g of fat and 147mg of sodium per serving – reach for these healthier alternatives instead:

  • Zucchini chips with smoked paprika is a great alternative. Here is a recipe that yields two servings and only totals 2.5 net carbs.
  • If you are searching for a crunchy snack try these cauliflower crust garlic bread sticks. They are delicious and easily prepped and baked in an hour.
  • For a simpler no-bake option opt for something crisp and simple like cucumbers and ranch. Cucumbers have amazing health benefits, and they also promote skin health. Ranch dressing is delicious and provides you with vitamin K.

Replacing Soda in Your Diet

Fresh unsweetened tea to fight soda and junk food cravings

WebMD pointed out that dozens of studies associate sugary soft drinks with weight gain and obesity. The need for soda is one of the major cravings you need to overcome as you embark on your weight loss journey. Even if you choose diet soda to eliminate the sugar content, you’re still drinking empty calories. Not to mention, artificial sweeteners have also got a bad rap for the effects they have on our health.

Consider the average cola soda: A 12-oz can has 136 calories, 35g of carbohydrates and 33g of sugar. Replace these empty calories with healthy alternatives:

  • Water infused with fruit provides incredible health benefits is a refreshing and delicious option.
  • A 16.9-oz bottle of unsweetened ice tea, which has 4 calories, 1g of carbohydrates and .01g of sugar.
  • 8 oz of flavored sparkling water, which has 0 calories, 0g of carbohydrates and 0g of sugar.

If you love these healthy snack alternatives, contact BMI of Texas to learn about other proven weight loss options.