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Dealing with Last Meal Syndrome

Before and After BMI

December 23, 2015

Dealing with Last Meal Syndrome

Man eating a cheeseburger with a soda

Last Meal Syndrome is a common issue among people who are preparing for significant weight loss. It is the pervasive, persistent fear that forthcoming changes in their dietary habits may render many of their most enjoyable foods forever inaccessible. One of the biggest misconceptions concerning weight loss surgery is the notion that all of the patient’s favorite foods will have to be permanently eliminated. In reality, once your bariatric surgery is complete, you’ll still be able to enjoy all of the foods that you consumed in the past. Rather than focusing on elimination, your new dietary goals will be centered on moderation and on consuming foods that will provide the greatest nutritional benefits. By diligently adhering to the pre-op diet plan that your surgical team provides, you can reduce the risks associated with your bariatric procedure and ready yourself for long-term success.

Why your pre-op diet is so important

One of the primary factors for determining candidacy for bariatric surgery is whether you’re willing and able to stick to a pre-op diet 100 percent. There are countless benefits you can gain by making an effort to alter your eating habits before your weight loss procedure. Foremost among these involves reducing the overall size of your liver. During your procedure, your provider will need optimal visibility. A fatty or enlarged liver will compromise the surgeon’s visual access when operating.

Managing your portions and eating a diet that is rich in high-protein foods will help rid your vital organs of visceral fat and shrink the liver. This will make it both safer and easier for your provider to proceed with the surgery. If your liver remains enlarged at the time of your appointment, your procedure may need to be postponed or even canceled.

Alter you eating habits and behaviors with ease

Another major benefit from your pre-op diet plan is a gradual, yet lasting change in your overall eating habits and in your relationship with food. Placing your focus on foods that have the greatest nutritional benefits will help you make the challenging transition from eating to soothe complex or difficult emotions to eating for optimal nourishment and energy. This is also the time during which you’ll learn portion control, which will prove necessary for accommodating your significantly reduced stomach size after your procedure.

Get the support you need to change your diet

Both before and after your weight loss surgery, you’ll have the benefit of constant support and countless informational resources that are designed to help you start making healthier dietary choices. With information on shopping for good health, new recipe ideas, menu planning skills and the guidance of licensed dietitians, this process can be a smooth and seamless one. Ridding your body of visceral fat and adhering to a pre-op diet that reduces the size of your liver will alleviate a considerable amount of physiological stress. This often results in more energy and radical improvements in how your body functions and feels. And post-op, a good protein-based diet will help you lose fat instead of muscle, and enjoy a number of other improvements in your overall well-being that can last a lifetime.