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Include These Foods to Help Make The Perfect Refrigerator

Before and After BMI

July 27, 2013

Include These Foods to Help Make The Perfect Refrigerator

Most of you have heard countless times ( oftentimes from me) that when shopping, the best way to ensure you are making the healthiest choices is to stick to the outer perimeter of the store. Below I have highlighted some foods you will find in these sections that I highly recommend you stock your fridge with. These are beneficial to your health and continued weight loss success.

For the Perfect Snack have Greek yogurt (Oikos or Fage brand)

The watery whey is removed from this Greek-Style yogurt giving it a really creamy texture and it has twice the protein of plain yogurts. I like to add berries and splenda or vanilla extract to make my own sweet yogurt and fruit snack. For an even higher protein boost, mix a cup of yogurt with minced garlic, fresh parsley, and a drop or two of olive oil to make a healthy sauce topping for the grilled meat of your choice.

For the Perfect Breakfast have Eggs

Protein-dense eggs are no longer a taboo food and these should be a staple in every fridge. A recent study from Thailand found that eggs actually help to raise good (HDL) cholesterol. I suggest hard boiling half a dozen eggs at a time so they’re on hand for snacks or to give salads a protein lift. Hard boiled eggs will keep in the fridge for a week.

For the Perfect Fruit Have Red Delicious Apples

USDA researchers found that Red Delicious apples have a higher antioxidant capacity than other brands of apple. The skin contains fiber to keep you full longer as well as most of the apple’s antioxidants. Have with a serving of peanut butter to get protein with your fiber.

For the Perfect Fish have Wild Salmon

This is one of the healthiest foods with lots of lean protein and really high concentrations of omega-3s. I like to take a salmon fillet and some cherry tomatoes and put them in the center of a foil sheet and top with olive oil, salt, pepper and seal and bake at 400 degrees for 12 minutes.

For the Perfect Salad Topper use Salsa

It’s tasty, the peppers have been shown to give your metabolism a slight boost, and a serving is only 10 calories. This is what I recommend you have on hand to use as a salad dressing.