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Low Carb Pasta Claims – Too good to be true?

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July 21, 2014

Low Carb Pasta Claims – Too good to be true?


With the rise in low carb meal planners, the food industry is scrounging for ways to make alternative products for those who still want their pasta (and eat it too!) However, a word of advice is to always use caution when it comes to “low carb” labels. A good rule of thumb is if it appears to be too good to be true.. it usually is! This article by the Diet Doctor tests the theory behind the “indigestible starch” to determine if it really is low carb. The result: not likely! The Dreamfield pasta reacted the same in the body as regular pasta making it not low carb.


The good news, there are plenty of low carb alternatives for pasta that can be just as satisfying. These delicious options include spaghetti squash, zucchini, and even bean sprouts.  Check out this low carb alternative to pasta using zucchini by mywholefoodlife.

low carb zucchini pasta