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Adjustable Gastric Band Success Stories

Before and After BMI


I was sick.Sick of being tired. Sick of being fat. Sick of feeling sick. Dr. Appointments got closer and closer together. A liver scan. Blood tests. Ortho for knees. What next? My PCP suggested I meet with a dietician. I did that. I learned how to eat better and how to plan my meals. I learned how to read labels. I learned that I was not alone. I also learned that there was help. After about 8 months I decided to meet with Doctor Seger. Yes, I waited 8 months. This was a big decision,My insurance wouldn’t cover “OBESITY”. I also had a hernia. One operation,two fixes. Was it worth it? You bet! I am off medication for hypertension, My cholesterol medication has just been changed. The other one didn’t come in a lower dosage. My Ortho is pleased. I still have arthritis but my knee is no longer inflamed and painful. This November, I made a trip to Wimberly, Texas to ride the zipline. My sister came from Michigan a year ago to do the same but I couldn’t go. I was too heavy for the lines.This year I went with a smile and they even gave me a shirt when I told them I had lost over 50 pounds in 6 months. Yes, this did cost a significant amount. But, I’m worth it.

*Individual results may vary


Since my surgery, i have lost 75 pounds. It’s been a slow process but it’s been well worth it. I feel better, i can walk without getting tired and running out of breathe. It’s the best decision i have ever made in my life. I’ve tried recruiting co-workers to do the same. It’s been a journey in itself…learning how to eat again and learning what my body likes and doesn’t like. Believe me my body tells me right away what it does not like. Dr. Duperier was great and walked me through everything. I have not had a fill in over 8mths and i’m still losing a pound here and there. Thank you Dr. Duperier for changing my life.

*Individual results may vary


Amber After

Amber Before


My name is Amber Rader, I am 28 years of age. In August of 2007 I was ill due to my gall bladder. I went to see a surgeon and I weighed in at 294 pounds. I was very upset when I saw how much I weighed. My weight has been an issue for my entire life but somehow I had never seen it. But here I was 6 pounds away from being at 300!! I cried my eyes out and thought of every excuse in the book but I finally talked to my doctor and he recommended a surgery one of his family members had. I had contemplated for YEARS whether or not weight loss surgery at BMI of Texas was for me I really thought I shouldn’t have surgery because I was young enough to do this on my own… However, At 28 and weighing 294 pounds something wasn’t working! It was me! I thought long and hard about surgery was it right? Was I mentally ready for the changes it would bring? Was I ready to take care of me and exercise and not diet but eat right for the rest of my life? I was! I made the commitment to go to a seminar but I wasn’t sure on the procedure yet. After listening to the presentation I knew almost instantly that the lap band was the best choice for me. I knew I would learn about my body and eating right and I liked that I had to do work to make it work. I had my surgery on May 19, 2008 and I weighed 260 pounds on that day. As of March 2009 I am two months away from my one year anniversary and I weigh 170 pounds. My goal is to reach the 150 pounds I hope to be by May. I must say that Dr. Duperier saved my life.. Although I was not sick I was definitely heading in that direction. I am so thankful I had this procedure. For 15+ years I hated the person I saw in the mirror. I love myself now, I am so healthy and happy I sometimes don’t know how to hold back my joy. This is honestly the best decision I have ever made and I strongly suggest the surgery to anyone who has ever battled with being over weight. It is not a fast fix its a life style change and a learning process and the most wonderful one at that! I am now the person God intended for me to be and that is a blessing!

*Individual results may vary


My name is Tracy and I started my weight loss journey March 23, 2009. I have always struggled with my weight and tried every diet I could think of. Some of them worked but did not last. On the day of my Lap Band Surgery I weighed 231 and today I am happy to say that I weigh 149. I have reached my goal and now my BMI is in the normal range and I can fit into a size 6. That is totally amazing to me. Before the surgery I thought “Well, if I get into a size 12, I will be so happy”. Well I went past that and some. My surgery went really well and I had no problems afterwards. The change in my life has been truly amazing, not only physically, but I have also changed mentally. Actually some people have come up to me and said “I did not even recognize you”, and that is really nice to hear. I have more confidence in my looks even to the point that I like what I see in the mirror. Buying new clothes is also fun and a new experience. Now I don’t have to go to the Women’s section, and I have so much more to choose from. I am also exercising almost everyday and really enjoy going to the gym. I have also had several people come up to me and ask who my Dr. was for my surgery. I am always happy to tell them about BMI of Texas and Dr. Duperier. It is really nice to think that I may be helping out someone else by the success that I have achieved in my weight loss journey. People often ask me “If you were able to do this again would you go through all that you have gone through to achieve what you have”. My answer is “A definite YES”!!! This surgery has completely changed my life and is the best thing I have ever done just for myself. I look forward to the summer when I can wear a cute swimsuit and not be ashamed of my body. Thank you to BMI of Texas and Dr. Duperier for helping me to achieve my weight loss goals and revealing the healthy body that was hidden for so long.

*Individual results may vary